Thursday, April 19, 2007

dirty floor: 1 individuality: 0

i was thinking at the airport about a winnie the pooh sticker on the floor. the floor there, and most zones where the floor is a perfect flat plane, eliminates variation of levels on which people stand. Their physical qualities and mannerisms become the only variable in places that are constructed, static. I attempted to conclude that human individuality is amazing and a great phenomenon. This was rejected by the falseness and pretentions i noticed after watching interactions and the lack thereof. the floor all the while was consistent and provided equal treatment to all. it was also crusted with the dirt of shoes from all over the planet (shoes of those who can afford air travel), workers and politicians, children and lonely bachelors, the wealthy alongside Tim Hortons staff, pilots and washed out quasi-artists like myself.

the fact that a floor is manmade is no redemption, tiles and concrete transcend the inconsistency and emotional impressionability of their makers.

1 comment:

orange drink said...

hey man, you brought this idea up out there in the field. and you know its been stuck up there in my head...kind of rustling/rambling/rumbling around. ive noticed i like walking on grass more.

(is it wrong to say....that there is something off or sinister about blogs hrm)
